YSKが「I'm sad for you」や「I'm sad that happened to you」と言うときに、「I'm sorry」ではなく「I'm sad that happened to you」と言うのはなぜか。 I'm sorry "ではなく、"I'm sad for "や "I'm sad that happened to you "と言うべきなのです。 悲劇や損失を経験した人に「I'm sorry (that happened to you)」と言うことは、その人の人生に大きな影響を与えます。 悲劇や喪失を経験した人や、ただ嫌なことがあった人に「ごめんなさい」と言うことは、単に 比較的役に立たない(そしてやや迷惑な)だけでなく
Why YSK: So you don't get screwed on paying delivery fee's twice for the same item! I've done this a few times now. Ordered from a restaurant and they forgot an item. Sure the app will refund you the cost of the item...but I'm still hungry! I argued that if I have to re-order it they will hit me…
Why YSK: Dental pain sucks, and this is a simple way to treat it without a ton of side effects and without getting a prescription for something heavy-duty. Many folks have both of these meds at home already. Obviously go see your dentist if you've got dental pain. The recommended dosage is 400mg…
Why YSK: when someone has serious trouble finding your house while delivering, you don't get your delivery! I recently delivered for a florist for several months, and visible numbers are a MASSIVE help. Espically for someone who's a bit socially awkward and doesn't like making phone calls to…