Buzzing on You Should Know

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YSK: If you have a CareerBuilder account, even if old and disused, they have started applying for jobs on your behalf even when not relevant.

I started getting emails thanking me for my application to jobs I don’t want and am not qualified for recently. One of the recruiters was kind enough to respond to my follow up and informed me: > Thank you for Emailing me about this. I received an application through Career > Builder for a Truck…

2021-12-03 18:49·View on Reddit

Why YSK: This popular New Years resolution is just around the corner. Too much focus is put on the workout itself without addressing the real problem of why so many start and then quit. Everyone struggles, but some have sourced the key, the right mental gymnastics to continue the regimen despite…

Why YSK: children find these batteries and swallow them. We especially see these batteries around the holidays as they are in decorations, cards, toys and all sorts of other things. I work as a nurse and have seen several children need to be tube fed for the rest of their lives and/or have…

Why ysk: even dogs with good owners can be aggressive or in bad moods. Many dogs are rescued from bad situations or had unfortunate experience that cause them to either not like new people or other dogs. These dogs still have every right to be walked around as long as the owner is conscious and…

Why YSK: We’re beginning to realise the importance of self-care and investing in our mental wellness early enough, instead of reaching for treatment when things have already gone awry. While professional help is probably always the best option (if you can afford it), technology can surely play a…

Why YSK: make sure that your yearly salary increase is at least that of inflation. Otherwise, it’s a pay cut. Inflation is often shown as year over year percentage change. Do not be fooled by the government when the inflation is “transitioned” into 2% the following year. For example, an item that…

Why YSK: Carbon monoxide (CO) is known as the "silent killer" for a reason. It's odourless and colourless, so it's very hard to detect. For this reason, it's always a good idea to ensure your fire detector/smoke alarm also has CO detection (most of the newer fire detectors come standard with this…

Why YSK: The smallest amount of antifreeze can kill cats, and kill them horribly. Signs can show within 30 minutes of ingestion; they begin to stumble like they are drunk, start to find breathing difficult. They vomit, they can have seizures. Finally, their kidneys give out. It is absolutely…

Why YSK: Especially if you're subscribed to a high-quality streaming plan, you should consider your go-to browser (at least for your streams). Otherwise you basically have zero benefits from the extra money you're paying if you're not just out for the multiple profiles in order to split the…

Why YSK: If you're looking for deals from private parties, or selling something as a private party, the meeting place for the transaction should be somewhere safe. Police stations are just about the safest place you can meet publicly, and also act as a filter against people with bad intentions. I'm…

Why YSK - to all the teens and young people out there reading this, you don't need to consume alcohol to socialize and have a good time. Advertisements will try to convince you otherwise, so that you become addicted to their product.

Why YSK: Phone solicitors -- automated and otherwise -- aren't interested in wasting time keeping someone on the line who isn't likely to actually spend money. So if you receive a call from an unknown phone number which sounds like it might be a recorded advertisement, then turn the tables on them…

Why YSK: * You may be considering purchasing down-insulated products during the holiday season * You may not know that the geese and duck feathers may be plucked while they are still alive, often several times over the course of their life. * Even if you aren't vegan, you may not want to…

Why YSK: For years you have been annoyed at all the album art in your phone gallery. But no more! Just paste a blank file called .nomedia in all the folders in your phone you don't want to show pics of in gallery, and your gallery will finally make sense! Works for getting rid of other app pollution…

Why YSK: You could save thousands upon thousands of dollars by negotiating with potential colleges. Of course, this is all predicated on how valuable you are to them but kids with very good marks should be aware that they have negotiating power. If your preferred school does not offer what you want…

Why YSK: Black Friday is here with retailers offering "discounts" but this applies no matter what the time of the year. If you want to buy something, put it on a list and keep track of the price (tools like CamelCamelCamel (Amazon only), and TopPreise (Switzerland) can help here). If there's a…

Why YSK: Although toothpastes and mouthwashes can never “rebuild” teeth, they can contribute to this remineralization process. So take care of your teeth before you're condemned to a life of sensitive teeth, and pain. It's especially important to brush before going to bed. Citation:…

So firstly I need to say a couple of things. I'm not picking on the US, it's just the majority of people on Reddit are from there. I'm from the UK and our reading age is lower at 9 years, so it's not a dunk. Here's a good link which is talking about my…

Thanksgiving weekend is one of the most dangerous periods of the year for driving, About 800 people die on roads across the country on Thanksgiving holiday. Why YSK: Many people start celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday Wednesday night and unfortunately that can lead to a number of people drinking…

Why YSK: With many airlines strapped for cash, they'll more than likely give you a flight credit and not a refund for a flight that they cancelled. If you wish for a refund, you'll first have to file a complaint with the airline's customer complaint department. If they deny your request, then you'll…

Why YSK: Many people will probably look at their "downgrade" options on their cable providers website and think that there's just no point in downgrading because of the lack of deals cheaper than what they're already getting. In reality, it's just another shady tactic by cable providers to keep you…

Why YSK: The medical staff that helps you through your appointment or the sales person who helped you find an item and helped you decide which one to buy, these people who go out of their way to meet the company’s customer satisfaction requirements, are more likely to be compensated by the employer…

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