Buzzing on You Should Know

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YSK the difference between "counsellor" and "councillor". A "counsellor" provides advice or therapy, while a "councillor" is someone who sits on a council or board.

Why YSK: despite sounding the same, they are as different as chalk and cheese.

2021-10-01 18:45·View on Reddit

Why YSK: I used to always draft emails and say something like "Refer to document XYZ" and then forget the attachment. By changing my habits to always say the word "attached", or a variation of that word, applications llike Outlook will remind you to include the attachment. Simply including changing…

WHY YSK: you deserve to be comfortable and safe at work. Ergonomic product support is provided by some companies for no cost to the employee. If it is provided, different companies will have different spending budgets which might affect what you’re able to get, but it’s worth looking into. If you…

Why YSK: I’m a beach guard and I have needed to be saved, by another guard, twice. The ocean is a scary place. Granted I live in Southern California in an area with large swell and strong currents, but the ocean will ALWAYS be unpredictable, no matter how safe it looks. There are so many things…

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