
遭受虐待的家庭中的YSK兒童根本不知道他們正在遭受虐待。如果你和一個對生活中的照顧者表示強烈厭惡(甚至是憎恨)的孩子交流,不要自以爲是地把它當作 "正常的不安",因爲它很可能不是。虐待兒童的現象隨處可見。
YSK children of abusive households literally do not know they are being abused. If you interact with a child who expresses intense distaste (hatred even) for a care figure in their life, do not presume and dismiss it as "normal angst" because it very well may not be. Child abuse is everywhere.
from /r/YouShouldKnow
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