Buzzing on You Should Know

Archive / 2021-7


YSK xylitol is being used more frequently as a sugar substitute and is extremely toxic to most pets.

Why YSK: Anything labeled sugar free or no added sugar, that is sweet, most likely has xylitol or some other equivalent sweetener product in it (xylitol can also be called birch sugar). These kill animals in tiny amounts by causing a sudden extreme drop in blood sugar which induces seizures and…

2021-07-31 21:41·View on Reddit

Plumber here, yes it's true. Unfortunately for consumers, marketers specialize in the one skill they share with lawyers and salespeople; lying. Turns out there's actually no regulation on claims on package such as "Flushable Wipes" (Hell they're boldly advertised and displayed as such) or "World's…

Why YSK: most men go their whole lives not experiencing what is one of the best sexual experiences a man can have, simply because of the stigma attached to doing so. I first discovered prostate stimulation on Reddit about a decade ago in my early 20s. Someone had written their story of having mind…

Why YSK: a lot of well-meaning parents of autistic children are inundated with information promoting ABA therapy, but it is actually founded on principles of abuse. There is evidence that about half of autistic people who go through ABA experience PTSD as a result of the process, which is founded on…

Why YSK: protein is an essential nutrient for muscle growth, yeah, but it’s about all tissue growth. It provides the building blocks for muscle, organs, skin, blood, antibodies and more. The heavy connection our society gives protein to exercising often leaves the impression of “well, I’m not…

Why YSK: A government program called the 340b Drug Discount Program requires drug companies to sell drugs to community health centers at the same prices they sell to Medicaid. There are no income restrictions and you just need to schedule an appointment with a doctor at the local community center…

Why YSK: To better understand the impact of companies and private individuals on climate change and avoid being misled by statistics. TL;DR: The statistic only looks at fossil fuel companies and includes the emissions from their products, i.e. the fuel your car uses. Edit to clarify my intent:…

Why YSK: because you probably want to be a successful applicant! I interview applicants both for professional positions and for graduate school, and this has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm not alone, so I can assure you that this mistake will make you seem unprofessional in the eyes of…

Why YSK: Trucking companies will put signs/stickers on their trucks saying “Stay Back 300 Feet” (the distance varies) or “Company Not Responsible For Damage” as a way to prevent people from making insurance claims against them for chipped/cracked windshields, headlights, paint damage, etc. However,…

A few days ago a friend of mine (a salesman at a Jeep dealership) told me they install GPS tracking devices and ignition cutoff switches in every vehicle they sell (used and new) so that lenders can track your vehicle and disable it if you miss a payment. I started doing some digging online and…

Why YSK: The biggest fear a non-fluent speaker has is saying something inappropriate or something ridiculous by accident. I personally, while learning English have had a lot of moments where I’ve said something seemingly normal that a fluent speaker could interpret as being an innuendo, or have…

Why YSK: Companies are obviously incentivized to advertise the best qualities of their products. While flushable wipes are more likely to break down and decompose compared to traditional wipes, they are not as efficient as doing so as many people believe. You should very wary of flushing them down…

Why YSK: The American Meteor Society aggregates reports, and shares the data with NASA. Tracking meteorites and fireballs is an important part of the study of space, our solar system, and the universe. Here is the link to report a fireball, which is what they call a large…

Why YSK: Oral allergy syndrome is the most common food allergy and you, or someone you know, may have it. You can help them out by killing the pollen on the food you serve. I've been surprised that numerous friends who had their throat itch from bananas, watermelon plums etc. weren't aware of oral…

Other than cars operated purely by a fob, turn your key in the door as if you were locking it yet hold it there for a second or two. Any windows which are rolled down should automatically roll up again. Why YSK: Because it's super useful on these hotter days and saves you turning the car back on…

If you take your car key fob and press it up to the skin on your temple and or under your chin/jaw, you can effectively double the range to which the signal travels to your car. Why YSK this: It's great for walking away from your car and realizing you forgot to lock it and you usually don't even…

Why YSK: A lot of people think OCD is about being a neat freak. It can manifest itself this way in some people, but that’s not usually the case. Intrusive thoughts are a symptom as well. In fact, there are people who only have intrusive thoughts and don’t engage in visible compulsions. We call this…

There have been many videos recently of people and vehicles submerged in brown soil- and debris-laden floodwaters across the world. When sediment and debris are swept up in floods, it increases the density (and therefore the force) of the fluid mixture, sometimes more than twice that of clear…

Why YSK: Most websites and blogs that contain DIY instructions on how to make body and room sprays never explain why the ingredients are necessary. One common ingredient listed is witch hazel or vodka to help bind everything together, but that was the most explanation I could find. I came across an…

Why YSK: There’s a type of online advertising called Native Advertising, which is designed specifically to look like content published by the website where these ads appear. Sometimes these ads fall under the category of “clickbait,” but often times they’re so well disguised the average web user may…

Why YSK: There are two good reasons to understand this; So you don't get hurt by your own words and so others don't take advantage of you. A contract is not a piece of paper, it's an agreement between two or more parties where and offer is made and accepted. For example, if I offer to sell you my…

Why YSK: If you go sunbathing, especially at a nude beach, make sure to protect all the places where you wouldn't want a scalpel. The eyes are most at risk for blue-eyed people, but sunglasses are always a good idea either way. Talk to a dermatologist about the safest way to protect your genitals on…

Why YSK: It takes extra thiamine and folic acid to process alcohol, leading to deficiency if the individual does not supplement. Thiamine deficiency can progress to Wernicke’s encephalopathy or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) which can be deadly and requires medical treatment. The treatment is…

Why YSK: Problems that can be spotted by a complete professional inspection, which includes putting the car up on a lift, include: frame damage, damage to wires or insulation caused by animals, poor previous repair work, flood or fire damage, hidden rust, fluid leaks, burned-out bulbs,…

Why YSK: The term is commonly misunderstood by people not familiar with the trans community. It can be confusing for someone who doesn't understand the distinction, and misuse or misunderstanding can lead to embarrassing or upsetting interactions in people's personal or professional lives. Knowing…

Why YSK: you can search by zip code to find programs both local and national that can offer financial assistance to those in need. Edit: if you are outside the US try googling "Social Care Organizations [your area]" for similar programs

Why YSK: Most of the gyms have shower facility. If you successfully get a membership then you don't have to worry about using unhygienic means to keep yourself clean. You can go and take a shower, plus this will give you an excuse to go to gym, exercise and stay fit n healthy. This isn't new…

Why YSK: The last 15 months have been stressful for all of us and many are also experiencing anxiety like we've never had before. When you're in the midst of this, taking a break for just 5 minutes to breathe deeply can calm your anxieties and stress. To start, find somewhere quiet that you won't…

Why YSK: By identifying any food intolerance you have, you can avoid foul farts, fatigue, bloating, and other discomfort. When I was in college, I ripped a super nasty fart in my friend's car, and he was absolutely disgusted (even though he isn't usually fazed by such things). He was in medical…

Why YSK: Email has the been the standard for business communications for at least 20 years and I still speak to customers who are stubborn about anything "computery" when they don't realise how intuitive and life-improving modern tech can be. Why drive to a post office to pay a bill and waste fuel,…

Why YSK: These private informations may include GPS coordinates, device ID, account ID, time created, program used, and more. They're handy for personal use, but probably aren't desirable for when you need to send the file to someone else. Most messenger apps strips image and video metadata…

R/scams has a great writeup of how this scam works: Tl;dr: scammer connects with you online, scammer talks up how much money they're making from cryptocurrency, you send your money to scammer to invest,…

Why YSK: In light of the recent spill in the Santa Monica Bay [], I thought it best to remind people that wipes, paper towels, and tampons being flushed cause serious issues with both your…

Why YSK: Persistent rumination can amplify the symptoms of some existing mental health conditions such as depression. An endless loop of negative thoughts about our current suffering, which in turn creates even more suffering. Conversely, by controlling our rumination we can ease…

There exist devices that look like flash drives, but actually emulate keyboards to hack your computer, or use capacitors to fry your computer. Do not plug in a flash drive you do not recognize into a computer you care about! Also, if you lose your flash drive for awhile, it might have…

Why YSK: Not every place has their own delivery service but all it takes is a quick phone call to find out. I've noticed more and more places i see daily have their own delivery service now. It can save you $10-$20 in fees, you get your food faster, and more money goes to your favourite store. So…

People worldwide have been shocked to learn of what happened with Canada's residential school program, but there is another part of dark history from the same time period that many people are likely totally unaware of. This would be the history of British Home Children. In a nutshell, back in the…

Why YSK; Many websites break, especially ones with shitty videoplayers or something like that. We have all experienced it at one point or another. Well, page refreshing isn't new, and that's kind of what causes what we are talking about. See, back in the days of 56k modems where you could wait for…

Why YSK: For the many dogs are terrified of thunder, fireworks and other very loud noises, a possible solution is noise cancelling headgear. There's a lot of research on the technology and articles that rate different brands on the net. There are many different types, configurations and styles…

Why YSK: Parents and families tend to pressure us into getting married sooner and tell us if we don't get married by a certain age, nobody will ever want us. "I got married at this age and you should too." But in reality the average age of people getting married keeps increasing, so you're just…

Why YSK: Identifying these most common fallacies will be practical in everyday use. Knowing even a few of these logical fallacies will help you avoid manipulation by others and identify bad reasoning. This is a list of the types of fallacies I find to be the easiest to spot and the most commonly…

Why YSK: many people think that getting spf 100 or whatever works much better than 30 or 50SPF. That’s simply not true. Higher SPF also does not mean you can be out in the sun for a longer period of time. You should be applying sunscreen 30 min prior to exposure and reapplying every 2 hours, no…

Why YSK: I just discovered something that most people are unaware of. If you are involved in an accident through no fault of your own, you can file a diminished value claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company and receive a settlement for the loss of value of your vehicle. A month ago, a…

Why YSK: Over time laptops (and all PCs) will build up dust inside if they're not cleaned regularly. After a few years this can be enough to prevent the fans properly moving air to keep it cool. As a result the fans run faster and more often than they should have to, making a lot of noise and…

Why YSK: i was concerned recently when I saw a starter pack about painful poop and it seemed like most of the commons found it super relatable, so apparently a lot of people think its normal and fine to experience pain and difficulty pooping. Pooping should not hurt. If it happens on occasion, once…

Why YSK: Searching through webpages will often give you simplified, incomplete or waffling explanations or just irrelevant stuff altogether. Webpages take more effort to develop than simply uploading a pdf to the internet (and are often made by people who want your attention ). Which do you think…

Why YSK - You should know, despite their sacrifice of life and limb, the United States is ignoring a promise of help, and is abandoning nearly 18,000 interpreters and their families to die at the hands of the Taliban as withdrawal from Afghanistan continues. Many of these interpreters have saved…

You should know that your gut health can have a direct impact on your mental health as well as your physical health. Why YSK: Poor digestion, undiagnosed/discovered food allergies or sensitivities, and a multitude of other issues in your stomach have been linked with depression, anxiety, OCD/BPD…

Why YSK: It's easy to criticize America's issues with healthcare, policing, education, economics, or societal taboos as if they're a ubiquitous problem for every American. But the way we all live with these things really depends on where we live. There are 50 states (and several territories) and…

Not too surprising to most, but just a reminder that many Pets get spooked by fireworks, some more than others. Why YSK: The night of July 4th in the US sees the most cases of lost/killed animals, with July 5th being the busiest day for Animal Shelters. It's smart to take precautions for all pets,…

Why YSK: If you are caught by a riptide you could exhaust yourself fighting the current and trying to swim directly back to shore. Instead, swim parallel to the beach until you are released by the current. If you see an area of calm between waves, do not enter the water at this spot as the space…

Why YSK: Save yourself the hassle and expense of a trip to the emergency room. Article [] Full disclosure I first read about this…

Especially with July 4th coming up, as many pets run away, get out or lost on this day. The chip doesn't get your pet home if the information tied to it isn't up to date! You can call your vet, or most may allow swing bys (pandemic changes may apply) to scan your pet, to get their chip number.…

Why YSK: Companies always try to label their products as GMO free in an attempt to make them seem more healthy, but in fact that is not the case and it is likely the product is even worse for you than if it did have GMOs. While the name "Genetically Modified Organism" sounds scary, it's actually…

Why YSK: My little guy can't stand the fourth of July, poor little dude gets all shaky and whiny every year, talked to the vet today and looking into getting him some medications, or a thundershirt, and of course lots of love. Has anyone ever tried Dutch? […

Why YSK: Intuit, the terrible company that's behind this website and also lobbies hard to make tax filing more expensive and complicated, is also behind setting up this new terrible website for non-filers to sign up for the Child Tax Credit. It's extremely user unfriendly! Non-filers are those who…

Why YSK: When a child lives part time at one parent's home and spends the rest of the time at their other parent's home, they usually start to expect how they'll feel at each house. At one house, they may feel like they are free to do anything, and at the other they may feel they are restricted from…

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